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This is used to view, create, update and delete customers.

Customer Properties
id { "id" : 255 }
The unique ID of the customer
trade { "trade" : true }
Either true or false (set to false if it is a normal customer)
active { "active" : true }
Either true or false
firstName { "firstName" : "Joe" }
The customer's first name
lastName { "lastName" : "Bloggs" }
The customer's last name
email { "email" : "" }
The customer's email address
phone { "phone" : "07900 900 900" }
The customer's phone number
addressLine1 { "addressLine1" : "Flat 1" }
The first line of the customer's address
addressLine2 { "addressLine2" : "Acacia House" }
The second line of the customer's address
addressLine3 { "addressLine3" : "1a Acacia Avenue" }
The third line of the customer's address
city { "city" : "London" }
The town/city for the customer
postcode { "postcode" : "W1U 6PZ" }
The customer's postcode
country { "country" : { "id": 223 } }
The customer's country, using the country object
state { "state" : { "id": 2 } }
The customer's state, using the state object
notes { "notes" : "fussy customer" }
Notes about the customer record
rewardPoints { "rewardPoints" : 30 }
The number of reward points the customer currently has

The following properties are only available for regular customers.

acceptsMarketing { "acceptsMarketing" : true }
Either true or false, whether the customer has indicated they will accept marketing communications

The following properties are only available for trade customers.

companyName { "companyName" : "Acme Leisure Ltd" }
The name of the company
mobilePhone { "mobilePhone" : "07900 900 900" }
The mobile phone number
website { "website" : "" }
The website of the company
vatNumber { "vatNumber" : "GB12345678" }
The company's VAT number
tradeGroupId { "tradeGroupId" : 1042 }
The ID of the trade pricing band that the customer belongs to
additionalData { "additionalData": { "0": "Gas Safe Number: 3857H338", "1": "Internal ID: 28493", "2": "Additional Contact: Joe Bloggs" } }
Any additional information stored against the customer record in the additional data fields, up to 5 fields are allowed

The trade property is only available when creating a customer.

The password, country and state properties are only available when creating/updating a customer.

What you can do with Customers

GET /v1/customers

Receive a list of all customers

GET /v1/customers/count

Count the number of customers

GET /v1/customers/ID

Receive a single customer

POST /v1/customers

Create a new customer

PUT /v1/customers/ID

Update a customer

DELETE /v1/customers/ID

Delete a customer

GET /v1/customers

Returns all customers. By default the first 50 regular customers are returned, sorted by creation date.

embed country or state
fields Comma separated list of properties to include
sort name, name_desc, company or company description (default is creation date)
trade 0 or 1
count Count
offset Offset
GET /v1/customers
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "id": 1434,
        "trade": false,
        "active": true,
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "",
        "acceptsMarketing": false,
        "addressLine1": "",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "addressLine3": "",
        "city": "",
        "postcode": "",
        "country": {
            "id": 222
        "state": {
            "id": 0
	"notes": "this customer is fussy"

GET /v1/customers/count

Returns a count of the customers.

trade 0 or 1
GET /v1/customers/count
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "count": 99

GET /v1/customers/ID

Returns a single customer.

embed country or state
fields Comma separated list of properties to include
GET /v1/customers/1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": 1437,
    "trade": false,
    "active": true,
    "firstName": "Joe",
    "lastName": "Bloggs",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "07900 900 900",
    "acceptsMarketing": true,
    "addressLine1": "Flat 1",
    "addressLine2": "Acacia House",
    "addressLine3": "1a Acacia Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postcode": "W1U 6PZ",
    "country": {
        "id": 223
    "state": {
        "id": 2
    "notes": "this customer is fussy"
GET /v1/customers/1
    "id": 1436,
    "trade": true,
    "active": true,
    "firstName": "Joe",
    "lastName": "Bloggs",
    "companyName": "Acme Leisure Ltd",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0121 234 5678",
    "mobilePhone": "07900 900 900",
    "website": "",
    "vatNumber": "GB12345678",
    "tradeGroupId": 1094,
    "addressLine1": "Top Floor",
    "addressLine2": "Acacia House",
    "addressLine3": "Acacia Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postcode": "W1U 6PZ",
    "country": {
        "id": 223
    "state": {
        "id": 2
    "notes": "this customer is fussy"

POST /v1/customers

Creates a new customer.

POST /v1/customers
POST /v1/customers
    "trade": true,
    "active": false,
    "firstName": "Joe",
    "lastName": "Bloggs",
    "companyName": "Acme Leisure Ltd",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0121 234 5678",
    "mobilePhone": "07900 900 900",
    "website": "",
    "vatNumber": "GB12345678",
    "tradeGroupId": 1094,
    "addressLine1": "Top Floor",
    "addressLine2": "Acacia House",
    "addressLine3": "Acacia Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postcode": "W1U 6PZ",
    "country": "223",
    "state": "2",
    "notes": "this customer is fussy",
    "password": "pass123"
POST /v1/customers
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "id": 1438,
    "trade": true,
    "active": false,
    "firstName": "Joe",
    "lastName": "Bloggs",
    "companyName": "Acme Leisure Ltd",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0121 234 5678",
    "mobilePhone": "07900 900 900",
    "website": "",
    "vatNumber": "GB12345678",
    "tradeGroupId": 1094,
    "addressLine1": "Top Floor",
    "addressLine2": "Acacia House",
    "addressLine3": "Acacia Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postcode": "W1U 6PZ",
    "country": {
        "id": 223
    "state": {
        "id": 2
    "notes": "this customer is fussy"

PUT /v1/customers/ID

Update a customer. All object properties are allowed except the trade property.

PUT /v1/customers/1438
PUT /v1/customers/1438
    "active": true,
    "vatNumber": "GB98765432",
    "password": "newpass123"
PUT /v1/customers/1438
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "id": 1438,
    "trade": true,
    "active": true,
    "firstName": "Joe",
    "lastName": "Bloggs",
    "companyName": "Acme Leisure Ltd",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0121 234 5678",
    "mobilePhone": "07900 900 900",
    "website": "",
    "vatNumber": "GB98765432",
    "tradeGroupId": 1094,
    "addressLine1": "Top Floor",
    "addressLine2": "Acacia House",
    "addressLine3": "Acacia Avenue",
    "city": "London",
    "postcode": "W1U 6PZ",
    "country": {
        "id": 223
    "state": {
        "id": 2
    "notes": "this customer is fussy"

DELETE /v1/customers/ID

Deletes an existing customer.

Returns 204 No Content on success.