Setting up your store
We've put a quick summary below of each of the setup aspects of ShopWired that you'll need to complete in order to get started.
Before launching your website you should also read our launch guidance.
Products & categories
Start by adding categories to your account. If you have a lot of categories (over 20) consider organising them into groups using the 'parent categories' feature.
Help guides:
- Category structures
- Creating categories
You can continue to add categories at any time. Once you have some categories you can start adding products (actual items for sale).
Help guides:
- Creating products
- Product variations (sizes/colours etc.)
- Managing stock
Both categories and products can be created using the spreadsheet import systems.
Delivery rates & receiving payments
Delivery rates are necessary if you want to charge customers for delivery (either a fixed amount or a variable amount depending on what they're ordering.
Help guides:
- Introduction to delivery pricing
To receive payments for your products you'll need to use a 'payment gateway'. A payment gateway allows customers to enter their credit/debit card details onto your website when ordering and for you to receive their money into your account.
Help guides:
- Receiving payments
Company logo and information
If you don't have a logo we will display your company name instead, but if you do have a logo you can upload it to your account to show on your website. You should also add your company contact details so customers can get in touch with you if needed.
Help guides:
- Uploading your logo
- Adding company information
Store settings and taxes
If you are VAT registered and you want ShopWired to control the charging of VAT to customers you should mark your account as VAT registered.
Help guides:
- VAT setup
- Other VAT features
There are a range of other settings you can use on your ShopWired account to configure it to your requirements. You can read more here.
Choosing and installing a theme
Your ShopWired account will be created using the Launcher theme but you can change this if you want to by installing a new template theme.
Once you've installed a theme you can then customise it by changing colours and different settings.
Help guides:
- ShopWired themes
Website content and menus
You'll need to add content to your website's text and information pages (like 'about us' or 'terms and conditions'). You can also create new pages if you want to.
You should check through your website's menus to add in links to any new pages you have created or remove any links to pages that you won't be using.
Help guides:
- Website pages
- Website menus
Use ShopWired's apps to extend the functionality of your ShopWired account and website.
Help guides:
- Apps
We can help!
If you need help with any aspect of setting up your ShopWired store please don't hesitate to get in touch.