Custom contact form
If you'd like visitors to your website to be able to complete a contact form, the results of which are then sent to you by email, you'll need to create a custom contact form.
1. The form action should be the URL of the page that you are creating the form to display on, e.g.
<form action="/some-url-here">
The method attribute should be post, e.g.
You can include enctype="multipart/form-data" if the form includes a field for your users to upload a file.
For example,
<form action="/some-url-here" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2. Fields in the form can be constructed in normal HTML, e.g.
<input name="email_address" type="text">
3. If including a file attachment within the form this must have a name of "attachment", e.g.
<input name="attachment" type="file">
4. You must also include the following code within the <form> tag
For Version 1 and Version 2 themes:
{{ shopwired.custom_form({ 'to_email': '', 'from_email': '', 'redirect_url': '', 'subject': '' }) }}
For Version 3, Version 4 and Version 5 themes:
{{ theme.custom_form({ 'to_email': '', 'from_email': '', 'redirect_url': '', 'subject': '' }) }}
to_email is the email address you want to receive the email at
from_email is the email address that the email should be sent from
subject is the subject line of the email that is generated once the form is completed
redirect_url is the URL that your visitor should be redirected to once they complete the form
success_message can be set instead of a redirect_url in order to keep the user on their current page
for example
{{ theme.custom_form({ 'to_email': '', 'from_email': '', 'redirect_url': '/thanks', 'subject': 'new website enquiry' }) }}
If reCAPTCHA is installed in your ShopWired account, you must add reCAPTCHA to all custom forms. For guidance on installation of reCAPTCHA please read here.