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Image filters

In Twig you can apply a filter to an image in order to choose which image file is returned.

{{ product.photo_url }} will return the URL of the image file for the given product. You can apply the 'small' filter to output the smallest (in dimensions) version of the photo, e.g. {{ product.photo_url('small') }}

This can be useful if you are referencing the image for a product on a page that doesn't need to load the largest version (for example a category page).

The 'small' filter will return an image file no larger than 300px width.

The 'medium' filter will return an image file no larger than 500px width.

The 'large' filter will return an image file no larger than 1000px width.

The 'extra-large' filter will return an image file no larger than 1600px width.

Please note!

The small, medium, large and extra-large filters are not supported for animated gifs. You must only use the original URL, e.g. product.photo_url, for these images.