Automatic voucher codes and discounts
When you create a voucher code, normally the customer will have to enter this code on your website's shopping basket, in order to qualify for the discount.
This means, you'll need to:
• Tell the customer that the voucher code/offer exists
• Tell them how to get the offer (by entering the voucher code at checkout)
• Rely on them entering the code
Sometimes it's better to skip this process, just inform the customer about the offer, and apply the discount for them on their basket automatically.
When creating a voucher code, you can therefore specify whether or not the discount should be applied to the basket automatically (without the need for the customer to enter the code). To do so, when creating the voucher code select the 'Tick here if you want this discount applied automatically without the user having to enter it' tick box, as shown in the screenshot below.
Except for these discounts being applied without the customer having to do anything, a voucher code applied to a basket automatically behaves in exactly the same way as if it were entered by the customer manually.
Please note, only one voucher code can be applied to a basket so multiple automatic codes will also not be able to be applied. If you want the customer to receive automatic discounts on multiple products you might like to consider alternative solutions such as the bulk discounts app.