Migrating customer data
At present, you can only use our import system to migrate customer data from EKMPowershop®, Bigcommerce® or Shopify®. If you use another provide please send your customer data to us and we'll import it for you free of charge.
First, you'll need to obtain an export of your customers into a spreadsheet.
You can read the help guides below to find out how to extract your data:
from EKMPowershop® go to https://help.ekm.com/hc/en-gb/articles/204049815-Export-Data
from BigCommerce® go to https://support.bigcommerce.com/articles/Public/Exporting-Data
from Shopify® go to https://docs.shopify.com/manual/customers/import-export-customers
Please make sure that you export as a CSV, or if you export as a normal spreadsheet (e.g. XLS) that you then resave the export as a CSV file.
Once you've obtained your export you can upload it into your account.
1. Select 'switching to us' from the left menu.
2. Go to the 'import your customers' box and select your provider from the drop down list.
3. Click the 'choose file' button and select the customer export from your computer's hard drive.
4. You'll need to select whether the customers that you are importing should be noted as 'Accept Marketing' or not (i.e. whether the customers have agreed to accept marketing communications from you). This setting will apply to all customers in the import. If the customers should be marked as happy to accept marketing then tick the box.
5. Customers you import will all need to have a new password, this is because we encrypt customer passwords for security. All customers will need to have the same password set for them (you can then email your customer database, tell them the new password and invite them to change it by logging into their new account). Enter the password into the box.
Your screen should now look like the example below.
6. Click the 'upload & process import' button.
Please be patient whilst the import processes. Once complete please check that it has worked correctly by selecting 'customers' from the left menu.
If you have any difficulties please contact us.