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Creating and managing brands

In addition to placing products into categories and subcategories you can also allocate them to a particular brand.

To use the ‘Brands’ feature you must first install the app. To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the ‘Brands’ app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

• Creating brands
• Managing brands
• Adding products to brands
• How brands appear on your website

Creating brands

Once the app is installed you can begin adding brands by selecting Products > Create New Brand from the menu.

Brand details

Use the ‘Brand Details’ box to enter the information for that brand:

Enter the name of the brand and a description to be displayed on the brand’s page. The description box utilises the HTML page editor to help you stylise the content. Click here for more information about using the editor.

Choose an image from your computer’s hard drive that you want to be displayed for that brand on the ‘Brands’ page. Lastly, enter an image ALT tag.

Search engine optimisation

If you have installed the 'SEO Control' app you will see a section, 'Search Engine Optimisation', where you can control the information that is displayed on search engines for each brand that you create.

In the ‘Google Preview’ box you can see how this information would currently be displayed.

If you choose to leave this section empty, the title, page URL and description will automatically be filled in using the information you entered in the ‘Brand Details’ box, as seen below:

If you think it would be beneficial to supply different information to be seen on search engines then type into the relevant box what you want to be shown instead.

To change the title that search engines show use the ‘Meta Title’ box. To change the ending of the page URL use the ‘Page URL’ box. To change the short summary of the page use the ‘Meta Description’ box.

The final box in this section is for meta keywords. Most search engines no longer use this function. Therefore, filling it in is not necessary, and it is recommended that you don’t.

After changing the information your SEO section would look something like this:

Select save changes to create the brand.

Repeat this process to add as many brands as you need.

Managing brands

To manage and edit your existing brands select Products > View Brands from the menu.

Use the search bar to search for a particular brand:

All of your brands are located in the ‘Existing Brands’ box:

Image displays the current chosen image for that brand. Clicking on the image takes you to the edit page for that brand.

Brand name tells you the name of that brand. Clicking on the brand name takes you to the edit page for that brand.

Products shows you how many products currently exist within that brand. Clicking on the number will take you to a page allowing you to manage those products.

Sort Order allows you to change the order in which your brands appear on your website. Click the + sign (or the current number if you have already input one) to see a box to add/change the number:

The tick box under Active allows you to deactivate or reactivate a particular brand.

Selecting View allows you to see that brand’s page on your website.

Selecting Edit allows you to edit the details of the brand.

Delete allows you to remove brands. Select the bin icon for the brand you want to delete.

Adding products to brands

To add a product to a brand use the product creator/editor page and find the section named ‘Categorize Your Product’. Select a brand from the box underneath ‘Brand/Manufacturer’:

A product can only be added to 1 brand.

How brands appear on your website

Once you have installed the app and added a brand a ‘Brands’ page will appear on your website:

Opening the brands page shows you all of your brands:

The exact display of your brands page will depend on the theme you are using.