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Creating a new product

To add a new product onto your account for your customers to purchase, select Products > Create New Product from the menu.

On this page you will see there are many aspects to creating a product (some of which you will only see if you have installed the relevant app), but the only essential aspects to having your product become live on your website are choosing the name and the price. Placing the product in a category is also strongly advisable as the product will be difficult to find on your website if you don't.

• Product details
• Digital downloads
• Images & video
• Categorise your product
• Product pricing
• Bundle/package product
• Stock & delivery management
• Product variants
• Product extras
• Customisation fields
• Related products
• Additional information
• Google shopping
• eBay information
• Reward points
• Product choices
• Search engine optimisation

Product details

In the ‘Product Details’ box enter a name and a description for your product:

In the description box include any information about the product that you want your customers to know. Use the editor to help you style the text. Click here for more information on using the editor.

Digital downloads

The next section, if you have installed the ‘Digital Downloads’ app, will be ‘Digital Downloads’. Here you will see a tick box asking if the product is a digital download. If it is, tick the box, and the following section will open:

Here you will need to add the file(s) which will be sent to the customer when they purchase the product.

Select + add another to add multiple files. Select the bin icon to delete files.

Click here to learn more about the ‘Digital Downloads’ app.

Images & video

Use this section to add images and video to your product:


Upload an image by selecting Choose file and then choosing an image from your computer’s hard drive.

Please note!

The image upload system does not support .webp images. If your image is in .webp format, you will first need to convert the image to an accepted format.

Add an ALT Tag in the box on the right.

If you want to add multiple images, select + add another image. By default the system allows 5 images to be added to a product, but you can change this. You will only be able to upload 35 images at one time. If you have changed your settings so that you can add more than 35 images to a product, then you will need to upload the images in batches of 35.

If you have multiple images, you can choose the order they appear in by using the compass icon to drag the images into a new position:

For help with image sizes click here.


To display a video with your product, upload the video to a sharing website (such as YouTube or Vimeo) and place the embedding code in the ‘Product Video’ box.

Categorise your product

Product category

In this section select the category page(s) where you would like your product to be displayed:

If your category has subcategories, you will need to have selected a subcategory in order for it to work. You can either choose the subcategory directly from the selection box, or if you select the parent category another selection box will open for you to select it.

By default products can be added to 3 categories, but you can change this.


If you have the ‘Brands’ app added to your account and you have created brands already, you will also see a selection box for ‘Brand/Manufacturer’:

Products can only have 1 brand. Products can be added to both a brand and a category.

Click here to learn more about the ‘Brands’ app.

Product pricing

Enter the price that you will typically be selling the product for in the ‘Price’ box. Use the tick box to determine if the product is zero-rated for VAT:

Select + more pricing to see other pricing options:

If you want to place your product on sale, enter the price you want the product to be in the ‘Sale Price’ box. This will override the normal price of the product, and your website will show the old price crossed out by the new sale price.

If you would like to show a price comparison (like an RRP for example), put this in the ‘Compare Price’ box.

Some installable apps add to the functionality contained within this section:

If you have installed the 'VAT Features' app, you will be able to enter a custom VAT rate for the product.

If you have installed the 'Stripe Subscriptions' app, you will be able to configure subscription settings for the product.

Bundle/package product

If you have installed the ‘Product Bundles’ app and the product you are creating is a bundle, use the tick box in the ‘Bundle/Package Product’ section to indicate this. Ticking the box will open the section for you to add constituent products and quantities:

Click here to learn more about the ‘Product Bundles’ app.

Please note!

You cannot have product variations for a bundle product.

Stock & delivery management

In the next section you can manage your stock and delivery options for the product:

If you would like the system to manage stock for your product, enter a SKU code and the Available Stock Quantity. (You must enter a SKU code in order to be able to use this feature. You will not be able to enter a stock quantity without one.) SKU codes have a limit of 128 characters.

If you are planning on having the product available to be shipped overseas, you can enter an HS Tariff Code. Use the lookup code button if you don’t know the code for your product. This feature is useful if you use the 'Royal Mail Click & Drop' app.

You can use the Weight box to add a weight (in lb) if you plan on charging for delivery based on weight.

You can decide if the product doesn’t need a delivery address by ticking or unticking the box.

If, for this product, you want to override your set delivery rates and have a specific delivery rate, enter it into the Specific Delivery Price box. If you do choose to have a specific price and one of your customers orders multiple of the product, then they will be charged each time for the delivery. To prevent this from happening use the tick box that appears when you have input a price:

Product variants

To add product variants to your product, select the tick box next to ‘This product has multiple options’. Then you can enter up to 3 options:

Click here to learn more about product variations.

Product extras

If you have installed the ‘Product Extras’ app, you can add optional extras to be listed on the product’s page on your website. Add the name of the item and, if it costs extra, add a price:

If you want to link one of your created products to be the extra, the product will need to have a SKU code. Doing this is optional.

Click here to learn more about the ‘Product Extras’ app.

Customisation fields

If you have enabled in your product settings the use of customisation text, you will see the section ‘Customisation Fields’:

Enter the label for the field, what field type it should be and if you want to set a max number of characters.

Select + add another to add as many fields as you would like.

Any text entered by the customer will be shown on the order confirmation details.

Click here to learn more about customisation fields.

Related products

Every product page has room to show related products that your customers might also be interested in looking at. You can choose what products are displayed here, or you can allow the system to randomly generate them for you:

If you select for the system to generate them for you, they will be chosen from the same category that the selected product is in.

If you select to choose them manually, use the selection box to add a product:

Use the + add another button to add multiple products.

If you would like to automatically generate random related products for all of your products, select Settings > Products from the menu and change the setting for “Would you like to generate random related products for all of your products?” to ‘Yes’:

You will still be able to override this for a specific product by manually selecting the products.

Additional information

Your ‘Additional Information’ section can look a number of different ways depending upon which apps you have installed. If you have not installed any apps, the section will look like this:

Here you can add a GTIN or MPN, which you will need (unless they are exempt) if you are submitting your products to somewhere like Google Shopping.

You can also select if the product is new. Doing this will make a ‘New’ label appear on the product on the website, as seen below:

If in your product settings you have enabled customers to be allowed to upload file(s) to a product, you will see a box like this:

Using this box you can allow your customers to upload a certain number of files when they are ordering a product. The number you place in the box is how many files they can add. Click here to learn more about product file uploads.

If you have installed the ‘Multibuy Offers’, ‘Product Search Keywords’ or ‘Trade Accounts’ app more options will appear:

If you have the 'Multi-Buy Offers' app, use this section to choose if the product is a '3 for 2' or '2 for 1' product.

If you have the 'Trade Accounts' app, use this section to choose if the product is excluded from trade discounts.

And if you have the 'Product Search Keywords' app, you can add keywords to your product here, so the product will appear when a visitor to your website searches those keywords.

Google shopping

If you have installed the ‘Google Feed’ app, the ‘Google Shopping’ section allows you to enter information, such as a Google category and condition, about the product for the feed:

Click here to learn more about the ‘Google Feed’ app.

eBay information

If you have installed the ‘eBay Integration’ app, use the ‘eBay Information’ section to enter information for the product that will be used when the product is listed on eBay:

Click here to learn more about the ‘eBay Integration’ app.

When the product is listed on eBay, the eBay listing ID and the status will be displayed in this section:

Reward points

If you have installed the ‘Reward Points’ app, you will see the section where you can set the number of rewards points that are earned every time a customer purchases the product:

If a variation of the product has a different number of points set, the number you put here will not apply to that variation.

Click here to learn more about the ‘Reward Points’ app.

Product choices

The ‘Product Choices’ section can be used as an alternative to product variations. Once you have created choice sets you can use this section to add them to your products, as in this example:

Click here to learn more about product choices.

Search engine optimisation

If you have installed the 'SEO Control' app, you will see a section, 'Search Engine Optimisation', where you can control the information that is displayed on search engines for each product that you create.

In the ‘Google Preview’ box you can see how this information would currently be displayed.

If you choose to leave this section empty, the title, page URL and description will automatically be filled in using the information you entered in the ‘Product Details’ box, as seen below:

If you think it would be beneficial to supply different information to be seen on search engines, then type into the relevant box what you want to be shown instead.

To change the title that search engines show, use the ‘Meta Title’ box. To change the ending of the page URL, use the ‘Page URL’ box. To change the short summary of the page, use the ‘Meta Description’ box.

The final box in this section is for meta keywords. Most search engines no longer use this function. Therefore, filling it in is not necessary, and it is recommended that you don’t.

After changing the information your SEO section would look something like this:

Once you are finished inputting the product information, select save changes or save + close to create the product.