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How to create trade only products

There's no specific feature for making a product a 'trade only' product, but a similar effect can be achieved using features that are available through your account.

1. You'll first need to ensure that the B2B category menu feature is activated on your account. This is activated on the B2B settings page. You should select the following options:

Yes for Activate a different product/category environment for trade and normal customers

No for Should non-trade customers be able to view products that are only assigned to trade categories

Yes for Show a different category menu to trade customers

(Refer to the B2B settings help guide for information about these settings and the others shown on the screenshot).

2. You'll need to create a category and set it so it is a 'trade' category. Create the category in the normal way and select Yes for the Is This A Trade Only Category? option.

3. Next, create the product(s) that you want to be visible only to trade categories and assign them only to 'trade only' categories (in the 'categorise your product' section of the add/edit product page, trade only categories are indicated with a (T) symbol.

4. You can repeat the process for multiple categories and products.

Once you've done, you should create a test trade account to see if you can view the products in the appropriate circumstances.