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404 page

All ShopWired themes have a 404 error page which is displayed where a website visitor visits a page that does not exist.

To visit your website's 404 page you can go to (substituting for your website's actual domain name).

If you are moving your exisitng website to ShopWired then you may like to slightly change the design/text on your 404 page as it is more likely that this page might be used by website visitors.

For example, you might like to change the wording to tell customers that you have launched a new website.

Customising the 404 error page

If you're using a Version 3 theme you'll be able to change the content on your 404 page using the text snippets feature.

If you can't change the 404 page using text snippets or you want to make more detailed customisations you can do so by using the page editor and editing the 404.twig file.