Trade pricing bands
Another way to set trade pricing is to create trade pricing bands. Trade pricing bands allow you to set a different price for each product that you place within a band. Then you can assign each of your trade customers to a specific band.
For example, if you have 3 different types of trade customers then you might want to have 3 different levels of pricing on your products. You would then create 3 different bands (e. g. Group A, B and C) and assign each customer to one of those bands.
For a trade customer to see pricing based on the trade pricing band they are in they will need to be logged into their account on your website.
To create and manage your pricing bands select
from the menu.• Creating a pricing band
• Managing pricing bands
• Importing and updating product pricing in a pricing band in bulk
• Adding trade customers to pricing bands
• Automatically adding trade customers to a pricing band
Creating a pricing band
On the ‘Trade Pricing Bands’ page use the ‘Create A New Trade Pricing Band’ box to create pricing bands:
Enter a name (for your internal use) for the band and select create.
Managing pricing bands
Once you have created pricing bands you will see them in your ‘Existing Trade Pricing Bands’ box:
Name tells you the name of that pricing band.
Number of Members tells you how many trade accounts are assigned to that band.
Product Prices Set tells you how many products you have set prices for in that band.
View/Edit allows you to view and edit the details for that pricing band.
The bin icon under Delete allows you to delete that band.
To add or edit products in a pricing band select the name of the band or the View/Edit button.
Adding products to a pricing band
To add products use the ‘Add A New Product Price’ box:
Select a product by using the selection box. Type in the beginning of the name of the product:
If applicable, choose a variation of the product.
Please note!
To choose variations here you will need to ensure that you have given each variation a SKU code. Each SKU code must be unique.
Finally, enter the price you want that pricing band to pay.
Your box should then look like this:
Click add to add the product to the pricing band.
Repeat this process for every product that you want to add to the band.
Editing products in a pricing band
Once you have added a product you can edit the pricing for it or delete it from that band at any time in the ‘Existing Product Prices’ box:
Searching products in a band
You can search for a product price in a specific band by using the search box:
For any products that you don’t add to the band the customer will pay the normal price of the product.
Importing and updating product pricing in a pricing band in bulk
If you want to add or update a lot of products in a particular pricing band you can use the import/export system. Importing a product to a band will only work if the product has a SKU code.
Creating the spreadsheet to add products
To add products you will need to create a spreadsheet with 3 columns:
In this column enter the SKU code of the product.
Pricing Band ID
In this column enter the ID of the pricing band. To find the ID, view the pricing band and look at the URL in your browser’s address bar.
When viewing a pricing band the end of your URL will look something like this:
The numbers on the end (in this case 1198) are the ID for the pricing band and what you would enter in the column. Each pricing band will have a different ID.
In this column enter the price for that product for that pricing band. Don't use a currency symbol.
Place each product on a different row.
Your spreadsheet should look something like this:
Once you have finished creating the spreadsheet save it as a CSV file. If you are using an Apple computer save it as a ‘Windows Comma Separated (.csv)’ file.
Importing pricing band information
To import the saved file navigate to the edit page for the pricing band you are importing pricing information for. Select the Import button in the top right corner of the edit page:
This box will then appear:
Choose the file from your computer's hard drive, and then select import. Allow the system to process the import. Once the import has completed check some of the prices to ensure they have imported correctly.
Updating pricing band information
To update product pricing in a band first take an export of the current product prices by selecting the Export button on the edit page for the pricing band:
In the box that appears click prepare your export:
Allow the system to process the file and then select download your export to download the spreadsheet to your computer’s hard drive:
Open the file and edit the pricing of the products according to the field guidance explained above. Finally, save and import the spreadsheet.
Adding trade customers to pricing bands
You can add a trade customer to a pricing band when you are creating or editing a customer trade account. On the creator/editor page in the ‘Trade Discount’ section use the ‘Trade Pricing Band’ selection box to select the band for that account:
Assigning a trade customer to a pricing band will override any global percentage discount that you have set for that account.
Automatically adding trade customers to a pricing band
If you want new trade accounts (once they have been activated) to automatically be added to a pricing band you can select the pricing band by selecting
from the menu. Find the ‘Default trade pricing band for new accounts’ setting and choose a pricing band from the dropdown menu:Once you have made your choice select save changes.