Creating an XML order feed
An XML feed is a structured document that contains data about a particular ‘topic’.
To configure an XML feed which contains the details of orders placed/created on your account you will need to install the order XML feed app. To do this select INSTALL THIS APP.
from the menu. Find and select the 'Order XML Feed' app and selectYou will be able to provide this feed to any third party service that needs access to your order information (such as a fulfillment company).
Please note!
This feed will only show orders received in the past 24 hours, and the feed will only update every hour.
• Configuring your XML feed
• Feed URL
• Password protection
Configuring your XML feed
To configure your feed select
from the menu. In the ‘Content’ text box configure the contents of your feed.The following variables are available in the XML feed:
{% for order in orders %} A 'for' cycle to run through all the available orders
{{ order.reference }} The unique reference of the order
{{ }} Your company name
{% for product in order.products %} A 'for' cycle to run through all the products in the order
{% if product. is_gift_voucher %} To detect whether a product is a gift voucher or not
{{|raw }} The name of the product in the order
{% if product.options %} An 'if' statement to detect whether the product has variations
{% for option in product.options %} A 'for' cycle to run through the variants selected
{{ }} The name of the option, e.g. 'size' or 'colour'
{{ option.value }} The name of the option selected, e.g. 'small' or 'blue'
{% if product.alt_options %} An 'if' statement to detect whether the product has alternative variants
{% for option in product.alt_options %} A 'for' cycle to run through the alternative variants selected
{{ }} The name of the alternative variant, e.g. 'size' or 'colour'
{{ option.value }} The name of the alternative variant selected, e.g. 'small' or 'blue'
{% if product.extras %} An 'if' statement to detect whether the product has extras
{% for extra in product.extras %} A 'for' cycle to run through the extras ordered
{{ }} The name of the extra selected
{{ extra.value }} The price of the extra selected
{{ product.comments }} Any comments attached to the product when it was added to the basket
{{ product.sku }} The SKU code of the product or product variation
{{ product.price|number_format(2) }} The price of the product
{{ product.quantity }} The quantity ordered
{{|number_format(2) }} The price x the quantity
{{ order.sub_total }} The sub total of the order (excluding any vat/tax)
{{ order.discount_total }} The value of any voucher codes used
{% for rate in order.shipping_rates %} A 'for' cycle to run through any delivery options
{{ }} The name of the delivery option
{{ rate.price }} The price of the delivery option (excluding any vat/tax)
{{ order.vat }} The vat on the order
{{ order.sales_tax }} The sales tax on the order
{{ order.shipping_total }} The total cost of delivery (excluding any vat/tax)
{{ }} The grand total of the order (including any vat/tax)
{{ order.comments|nl2br }} Any comments attached to the order
{{ order.shipping_address|nl2br }} The shipping address
{{ order.shipping_name }} The shipping customer name
{{ order.shipping_email }} The shipping customer email address
{{ order.shipping_phone }} The shipping customer telephone number
{{ order.billing_address|nl2br }} The billing address
{{ order.billing_name }} The billing customer name
{{ order.billing_email }} The billing customer email address
{{ order.billing_phone }} The billing customer telephone
{{ }} The date of the order, DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Please contact us if you need assistance with configuring your XML feed.
Feed URL
To access the URL for your feed select
from the menu. Your URL will show in the ‘Orders Feed’ box:Password protection
On the ‘Feed URLs’ page you can also choose whether or not you want your feed to be password protected. Use the tick box to make this choice:
If you choose to use a password, make sure you have set a username and password in the ‘Feed Protection’ box at the top of the page: