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Stock On Back Order


To use this app, you will need to install code on your theme files. For installation instructions, click here.

By default, customers cannot add items to their cart when the product (or product variation) is out of stock on your website. Both the ShopWired platform, and your theme prevent out of stock items from being added.

You can use the stock on back order app to allow products to be added to the cart. Installing this app enables the following functionality on your account:

• The ability to set whether, by default, items are purchasable or not purchasable when out of stock
• The ability to set whether an individual product should be purchasable, or not purchasable, when out of stock
• A global 'out of stock limit' on your account which sets by how much an item's stock can turn negative
• An 'out of stock limit' for an individual product (which overrides any global limit set on your account)

In order for customers to purchase out of stock items, changes to your theme are required.

ShopWired account functionality

On installation of the app you'll have access to some new features in your ShopWired account. These new features give you control over which products are allowed to be purchased when out of stock, and by how much (i.e. how negative the stock count for a product can go).

Account level features

Individual products will inherit the global settings that you set in your account unless you configure settings individually for products.

To set your account level settings select Settings > Products from the menu.

Scroll to the 'Back Order Settings' section.

The setting 'Out of stock products are...' has two options for you to choose from. If you select 'assumed to be purchasable', then all products (and their variations) will be assumed to be purchasable when out of stock. If you select 'assumed not to be purchasable', then all products (and their variations) will be assumed not to be purchasable when out of stock, so you'll have to individually select which products you do want to be purchased (described below).

The setting 'What global quantity limit should apply to out of stock products' sets by how much a product's stock level can go negative. For example, if you enter a value of 10 here and currently your product has 1 in stock, customers will be able to buy 11 (+1 - 11 = 10) of this item before the product can no longer be ordered.

Product level features

You can override the default settings (described above) for individual products when creating/editing the product.

Scroll to the 'Stock & Delivery Management' section and locate the back order settings:

Can the product be purchased when out of stock? has 3 settings. Selecting the 'default' setting will mean the product inherits the value set on the account level.

The Out Of Stock Quantity Limit setting works in the same way that the account level setting does. If you do not enter a value here, then the product will inherit the value set on the account level setting.

Please note!

Setting a value of 0 in the out of stock limit setting (either at the account level or product level) will mean that an unlimited amount of the product can be purchased.

Product variations

The settings described above are set at the product level and cannot be set for individual variations. If you need this control at the variation level, you will need to split up your product variations into separate products. All variations on a product will inherit the settings set for the product they belong to.

Product import system

Once the app is installed, two additional columns are present on the product import template.

Purchasable When Out Of Stock - possible values here are default (to use the global account setting), yes and no.

Out Of Stock Quantity Limit - which behaves in the same way as the product level setting described above.