Gift voucher email
Once an order containing a gift voucher has been confirmed an automatic email will be sent (if you have set it to in your gift voucher settings) to the customer with the details of the purchase. This will be a separate email to the order confirmation email. The content of this email has been preconfigured but can be edited through the website emails setting in your account. The name of the email is ‘Gift Voucher’, and it will only appear in the list of editable website emails if you have enabled for gift vouchers to be automatically sent.
The following twig variables are available to use in the email content for you to output the details of the gift voucher purchase:
{{ gift_voucher_amount }} displays the amount of the gift voucher purchased.
{{ gift_voucher_code }} displays the code that has been automatically generated for the gift voucher.
{{ gift_voucher_message }} displays the message entered by the customer on the gift voucher page (on your website).
{{ gift_voucher_recipient_name }} displays the name of the recipient entered by the customer.
{{ gift_voucher_sender_name }} displays the name of the sender of the gift voucher entered by the customer.
These twig variables must be entered exactly as they are written here.