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Action buttons

Customising action buttons

Themes have a number of buttons placed on various pages in order to faciliate functionality, for example an 'add to cart' button (as shown in the example below).

The action button settings section on your theme allows you to customise the text that's displayed in these buttons. For example you may prefer to change 'add to cart' to 'add to bag'.

Each action button is labelled so that you know where on your theme it is located.

To change the content of the action button, simply type in the new text into the field. As you type, if the theme preview is on the corresponding page where the button is located you'll notice the preview update as you type the new content.

Please note!

Please note that some action button settings are not contained within the buttons section of the theme editor where that button relates to a particular feature/page (e.g. text snippets concerning trade accounts are located within the trade account setting group).