Age verification popup
About the age verification popup and how to customise it
Each ShopWired theme comes with a pre-built age verification popup that can be displayed to website visitors when they visit your website.
Users will be required to confirm their age (that they are 18 or over) each time they visit your website.
The exact design of the popup depends on the theme, an example is shown below.
The popup settings can be customised using the settings in the control panel, and you can tick the 'enable popup' setting to activate it.
Depending on the design of the popup on your theme, you'll be able to customise the text that's displayed to visitors (providing details about why they should sign up). These text settings work in the same way as text snippets work.
One of the settings is named age verification fail URL, when a visitor clicks that they are not 18 or older, your website will direct them to this URL. This URL must be to an external website and cannot be a page on your ShopWired website.