Individual colour settings
Customising colors
In addition to global colors each theme has a number of color setting groups. Each group has a number of individual color settings that can be customised to change the color of a particular element (or group of elements) on your theme.
On opening color settings within your theme, beneath the global colors you'll see a list of color groups.
Each group corresponds to a particular page or group of color settings, e.g. 'announcement bar' controls the settings for the bar shown at the top of each of your theme's pages (where you can write an announcement message).
You can click into a particular group in order to view the color settings available for it.
If you'd like to customise those colors you'll need to untick the 'use global theme colors' tick box.
You'll then be able to select a new colour for each setting.
To change a color you can click into the colored square and choose a new color from the color picker.
Alternatively you can enter a new hexadecimal color reference into the box (indicated on the screenshot below).
When you change the color setting you'll notice the live website preview change accordingly.
When you've made your change to the color click the 'ok' button.
When you've finished making all your color changes don't forget to save your changes!