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Product page

Product page customisations

Your theme's product page has a number of customisations and options that can be configured through the 'Product Page' tab of the live preview theme customiser. Once you've opened the live preview editor for your live theme select Features > Product Page to display these settings:

Below is an explanation of how each setting works:

Product images

Roll over zoom - enabling this feature means when users move their mouse over your product images they'll see a magnified view of the image appear.

Image lightbox - enabling this feature means when a user clicks on your product images they'll see the image appear in a larger size in a popup window.

Social sharing buttons

Enabling this feature will display buttons on your product page for 4 social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr).

The user can click a button and share the product page on their social media account.

Variant buttons

Enabling this feature means that we'll show buttons instead of drop down options for product variations

Bulk discount pricing tables

If you're using the bulk discounts app to offer users discounts if purchasing multiple quantities of items, then enabling this feature will display a table of the bulk discounts available (similar to the screenshot below).

Tabbed description headings

If you're using the tabbed product descriptions feature on your products, this set of settings determines the text shown for each tab heading.

Please note this feature is only available if you have purchased an upgrade version of your theme.